Research project with Vikram Kolmannskog.
Belonging Outside the Dominant Identity.
2020 - ongoing
Research, text, workshops.
I am working on a cross disciplinary project with poet, writer and professor at the Gestalt Institute, Vikram Kolmannskog. Together we are working on an Art-based Action Research project around the themes of intersecting identities and multi-belonging.
Belonging Outside the Dominant Identity.
2020 - ongoing
Research, text, workshops.
I am working on a cross disciplinary project with poet, writer and professor at the Gestalt Institute, Vikram Kolmannskog. Together we are working on an Art-based Action Research project around the themes of intersecting identities and multi-belonging.
Though we come from two different professional fields, contemporary art and psychology, as two
people of colour we see similar issues in both our fields. Through both our work and experience,
we have seen an uncomfortability for both those with dominant racial identity and those with a
minority racial identity for talking about our differences- we share the view point that talking
about, acknowledging and celebrating our differences can help us learn and grow together.
Our first workshops were held at UKS as part of my solo presentation Rehearsal for A Change Gonna Come. Through the workshops, we invited those with a minority identity to learn about themselves and each other through talking about how we navigate between the different parts of our identities. As the workshops took place within a dedicated space with in an art gallery, this was an important way to comfortably bring these discussion into art spaces. Here the discussion about society wasn’t academic, it was emotional and from experience.
Workshops are confidential and only the remnants of them are documented.
Our first workshops were held at UKS as part of my solo presentation Rehearsal for A Change Gonna Come. Through the workshops, we invited those with a minority identity to learn about themselves and each other through talking about how we navigate between the different parts of our identities. As the workshops took place within a dedicated space with in an art gallery, this was an important way to comfortably bring these discussion into art spaces. Here the discussion about society wasn’t academic, it was emotional and from experience.
Workshops are confidential and only the remnants of them are documented.