The Other is Still Defined by The Dominant.
Tape markings on floor, an invitation to navigate between different parts of ourselves.
Along the wall, on the floor, at one end of a room, it is written: THE DOMINANT. Along the opposite wall, on the floor, it is written: THE OTHER IS STILL DEFINED BY THE DOMINANT.
Lines run between the two walls and there is a large circle in the middle.
These markings are taken from a workshop I held in February 2021 with Gestalt therapist and professor Vikram Kollmannskog. In the workshop, BIPOC participants were invited to explore the in-between states of belonging and navigating between different parts of our identity.
Tape markings on floor, an invitation to navigate between different parts of ourselves.
Along the wall, on the floor, at one end of a room, it is written: THE DOMINANT. Along the opposite wall, on the floor, it is written: THE OTHER IS STILL DEFINED BY THE DOMINANT.
Lines run between the two walls and there is a large circle in the middle.
These markings are taken from a workshop I held in February 2021 with Gestalt therapist and professor Vikram Kollmannskog. In the workshop, BIPOC participants were invited to explore the in-between states of belonging and navigating between different parts of our identity.
These markings, outside of the workshop, extend the question further. To those identities who have been “othered”, whether this is race, sexuality, gender, ability….- how does a person move between the dominant cultural identity and the other parts of themselves. How they are seen on the outside and how they feel inside?
This invitation takes the gestalt theory or polarities as its starting point.
Every human has conflicting parts within their identity- these markings act as an invitation to explore these parts of ourselves as we move between the different states.
What is the word for the opposite of the dominant? We couldn’t find one.
The other is still defined by the dominant.
What is other has been othered.